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Hello smojo.org admin, Thanks for the informative post!
1 year ago
2 years ago
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=es.alcaamado.waifu2x&hl=en&gl=US Hi all, I have an application that can upscale and increase the resolution of your images using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, please check it out and to the team can you add this to yourtool list
3 years ago
i personally like the design of each response,it is easy to see what content i am on and easy to navigate back to the master chat
3 years ago
Hello! This is the team that made the chatbot. Thank you all for the kind feedback and areas of improvement! Some of the suggestions are not available for us to adjust on the programming interface of this chatbot, so even we cannot fix it for now. Sorry for the inconvenience!
3 years ago
Nice explanation for the theory, made some good novel intuitions. The chatbot reloads the last 2 text box everytime I respond, so the text boxes do not flow like on messaging apps like Telegram. Making the new text box appear seamlessly would make it better.
3 years ago
Intersting, give ample information though can be a bit slow and im not a fan of the text bar at the bottem with the given buttons.
3 years ago
Interesting explanation and some great timesavers. The ad take up quite a bit of space though
3 years ago
Thanks for the recommendations, really a time saver
3 years ago
I personally learned a lot from this bot. Thank you so much!
3 years ago